Dear RTT Stalwart Supporters,
... as Rikki slipped into the water a hush came over the stalwart onlookers,who had waited hours just for this moment. Everyone held a collective breathas his hulls slipped off the trailer into the green water of the river. Wasthe hush because Rikki-tikki had taken such a long time to get to thismoment, or was it because everyone was stunned into silence as hiswaterlines disappeared underwater?? That is the question.
The answer is: Looks like we need more CopperPoxy!!
Rest assured Rikki-tikki is fine and is floating where he should. Theintrepid builder, who having learned the hard lesson of "measure twice, cutonce" and "always double check everything three times", painted the lineusing the wrong reference point, which he should have double checked butdidn't - he took the waterline placement right off the line drawings insteadadding the required six more inches!
The underwing-to-water clearance is right where it's supposed to be. Thistime I double checked. Besides embarassing myself sorely, I'm sorry if thiscaused you all such concern and perhaps made RTT's big event a little lessjovial at the moment of the splashdown.
All is well with Rikki-tikki-tavi. Nina and I deeply appreciate your show ofsupport by being there with us. We hope to share more adventures with youall (hopefully less embarassing ones but we will be new trimariners so keepyour eyes open!).
Rikki-tikki is resting quietly at this location, which is the first geocacheof our new life together:
lat 38š 36.154"long 121š 32.361
(Hint: It is on the Sacramento River north of Crawdad's.)
We have spent two nights on RTT and are extremely pleased with him. We havea mobile phone that we will plug in while at the dock, so if you want to gohunt for a geocache, please call to see if we are ready for visitors.
We are real boat people now.
Thanks again,
Clark and Nina
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