We checked Rikki-tikki-tavi back into Canada at Prince Rupert on Wednesday, August 22nd, after three months cruising in Southeast Alaska. We saw glaciers, grizzlies, whales, wolves, sea otters, eagles, and puffins. We enjoyed spectacular sunsets, endured zero-visibility fog, met wonderful people, caught salmon and halibut. Our blog is a bit behind, we know. Please enjoy this photo of Johns Hopkins Glacier while we catch up!

We promise more to come...
Clark & Nina
wonderfully written! glad to see you had a wonderful time. we did too! went around Vancouver Island and then hauled-out at PT for two weeks. Sequel looks brand new and no evidence of any corrosion. I will try and update our website/blog with our trip details. check it out at www.doublereef.net
hugs from FH,
dan & debbie
Really great to see that you are still cruising in Rikki and having a great time. I know some of those waters well, and they are breathtaking-but COLD. Please let us know how you are doing. We really like hearing about your travels.
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